1. Saw Les Miserables (maybe order can be applied to this one....#1 for sure)
3. We have become regular speedwalkers/light joggers/brisk walkers in Hyde Park.
4. Became regular customers at a few of the local pubs (have you noticed I'm all about becoming a regular at places?....some things never change) the King's Head, and the Phoenix. The King's Head was the meeting place of some new Norwegian acquaintances.....ahh, the Norwegians; Marios, Marcus, Petter, etc.....they of course made my top 10 list.
5. Portobello Road Market. Picture a saturday at a swap meet.....but times that by 20 and add antiques.
6. Bath (the town, not an actual bath.....i'd rather die than take a bath here).
7. Patisserie Valerie.....OH my gosh. Amazing. The best desserts I've ever had. Obviously things of this nature (sweets in general) are very important to me.
8. I must say, one of my favorite days here was when I put on my ipod (Muse was playing) and took a walk around Notting Hill. I was trying to find a park to write in my journal, and happened to find the park from the movie.....just like Hugh & Julia found, it was gated, covered in vines, and only available to residents of the complex. But unlike Hugh & Julia, I decided not to hop the gate....maybe another day.
9. Madame Tussaudes (wax museum). Oh wow, the closest I will get to
being one with the celebs. My only regrets--they are 3-fold: 1. Will Smith was getting a costume change so we were unable to meet and get jiggy w/ it. 2. I posed with the incredible George Clooney, only to find that whoever took the picture in fact DID NOT take the picture. 3. I did not see, therefore did not get to meet and take a picture w/, Harry Potter (Daniel Radcliff); the wizard must have disapparated on me, haha (well I thought it was funny).
10. Ok, I know I already mentioned this, and it may ashame my parents that I would add this to my top 10 list, but I have to be honest with myself--Melvin's (the market where I first discovered DP0) has to be one of my favorite parts of every day. Not only am I well acquainted with all the 3 staff members (Melvin, Hamid, and the big lady who I have conversations with about various Reeses treats), but they have made a committment with me to ALWAYS have a regular stock of DP0, as well as my Hit (Hit cookies--coconut edition....I'm so obsessed with them that Connie has given them the worthy name of my cocaine-nut Hit....very clever, she knows). The point is, I have made some loyal friends in Melvin, Hamid, and the big lady....and they understand me. So if that's not worthy of a top 10 list, I don't know what is.
so, you know I have talked to Robert R. on the phone, right?